Wondering what all the hype is about celery juice? Let me tell you about the benefits of celery juice!
There always some big health trend everyone is talking about. It’s hard to know what actually works and is it worth adding to your daily routine. That’s where I come in! Just think of me as your lifestyle blog destination. I will be sharing monthly wellness, health, style and interior tips. Ok, back to celery juice! The benefits of celery juice are endless and are only intensified when the veggie is juiced. Calming inflammation, raises hydrochloric acid and helps the liver produce bile, neutralizes and flushes toxins out of the liver, healing chronic illnesses, magical mineral salts, lowering of cholesterol, preventing digestive issues, just to name a few!
Before I dive into my personal experience. I just wanted to state the obvious that all of our bodies work differently. Meaning what might work for me may not work for you. Which is totally ok, I’m just sharing what does work for me. Our goal as individuals should be to find out what OUR body is telling us and listen intuitively to see what it needs.
Ok, lets dive into my personal experience thus far with drinking celery juice every morning. I wake up every morning and I drink 16oz of celery juice on an empty stomach. I don’t drink or eat anything after I had a glass of celery juice for about 15-20 minutes. After, I will pour my first cup of coffee, make breakfast and I’m ready to conquer the day! I’ve been drinking celery juice every morning for about a month now. So far I’ve noticed my energy levels rise, my skin has been super clear (I haven’t had any break-outs). Celery juice has vitamin K and vitamin C, which will naturally improve the skin and it provides anti-aging benefits. I know… I’m only 23 years old. But, it’s never to early to invest in skin-care/wellness products to better your skin routine! Overall, my goal with drinking celery juice is to help nourish my body with the best food possible, and to live as much of a nontoxic lifestyle as possible. With celery juice, I am cleaning my body up from the inside out!
So what exactly do you do?
Upon waking, you juice a full head of celery, which makes about 16oz. This should be the FIRST thing you consume or drink.
On Sundays, I’ve been buying about 7-10 heads of celery to last the entire week. The Lazy acres employees must think I’m crazy at check-out!!
I do NOT combine my celery juice with any other veggies or fruit, with the exception of a little squeeze of lemon to help with the bitterness. I love the taste of celery, so this isn’t a hard healthy habit to implement into my morning routine.
How do you make it?
Prep the celery for juicing by chopping off the base and tops of the stalks of both bunches.
Wash the celery gently and pat dry.
Run the celery through the feeding tube of juicer (see blender instructions below).
Serve the juice immediately and enjoy!
To make celery juice using a blender, you’ll need a nut milk bag or some kind of very fine mesh strainer to strain out the pulp. To make the juice in a blender, add the celery stalks in batches to your high-speed blender. Add ¼ cup of water to help get the blender started. Use your tamper to push the celery stalks into the blade. Keep adding the celery until you’ve blended it all. Then, pour the blended celery through the nut milk bag or strainer so remove the pulp from the juice. Serve immediately and discard the pulp.
Buy enough celery for your entire week on Sunday. This will make you less likely to skip a day.
Start slow. Maybe drinking it every day from the start isn’t best for you. Maybe start with 6-8oz and build yourself up to 16oz.
Let me know if you begin juicing celery! I’d love to hear how it makes you feel!